
How to Reduce Moisture and Condensation In Your Home Throughout Winter

How to Reduce Moisture and Condensation In Your Home Throughout Winter In the cold months moisture can build up around your home in Central Otago if your home is older and inadequately insulated and ventilated.  Reducing moisture in your home is important for maintaining a healthy living environment, preventing mould growth, reducing running costs and ...

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Posted: July 4, 2024Category:

How To Avoid Blocking Your Waste Disposal Unit

Optum’s Guide to Looking After Your Waste Disposal Waste disposal units are popular in NZ homes but when they are blocked it can be very frustrating and expensive to repair.  Waste disposal manufacturers have different advice on what you can and cant dispose of in their units. Here we have prepared a general guide for ...

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5 Reasons to Replace Your Heating System Before Winter

5 Reasons to Replace Your Heating System Before Winter Kicks In Winter in the deep South of New Zealand is fast approaching, bringing with it the necessity for a reliable and efficient home heating system.  With temperatures that can plummet below 0 degrees if you’re heating isn’t working optimally then it is going to wreck ...

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Harness the sun’s energy with solar

Central Otago, Wanaka and Queenstown all have the most beautiful bright sunny days. The weather in our region is perfect for harnessing the energy from the sun and turning it into power or home heating.

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Posted: November 19, 2019Category:

New efficient radiant heating system

The new Messana Active Panel provides a new option to heat a home from the ceiling or walls within the home.

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Posted: April 19, 2019Category: